Major scholar Articles
- Svetlana Stoyan “Alexey And’s associative symbolism: the establishment of the author’s style” in: Practical Philosophy, 2009, Iss.3 (In Ukrainian).
- Svetlana Stoyan “Associative symbolism of Alexey And in the context of creative interrelation ‘artist – picture – spectator’” in: The Second Russian Culturology Congress with International Participation ‘Culture diversity: from the past to the future’, theses of reports and messages, St. Petersburg, 2008 (In Russian).
- Svetlana Stoyan “Associative symbolism: the problem of the unconscious in the context of N.Berdyaev’s work ‘Philosophy of the free spirit. Problematics and apology of Christianity’” in: Practical Philosophy, 2008, Iss.3 (In Russian).
- Svetlana Stoyan “Alexey And’s associative symbolism” in: Practical Philosophy, 2005, Iss.4 (In Russian).
Major Articles in Magazines (in Russian, Ukrainian, English)
- Alexey Titarenko “And's Behind the Mirror” “Ukrainian Art”, fall, winter 2004 (№3).
- Clara Gujik “The Earthly and the Heavenly of Alexey And”, “Unian – Suspilstvo” №24 1996.
- Alyona Matoushek “The Most Right Road, the Road Toward Oneself”, “Semya” № 6 1996.
- Viktor Parkhomenko “Picturesque Illusions by Alexey And”, “Dosie Dosuga” July 26, 1996.
- Oleg Petrenko “The Lions are awake”, “The Ukrainian”, January 1997.
- Tamara Lee “Auction”, Ekaterina Leelee “The Spot”, “Academy” February, March 1998.
- “Painting and Sculpture” (In English), WHAT’SON № 45/2003.
- “Two Famous Ukrainian Masters” (In English), WHAT’SON № 46/2003.
- Alexandr Mirosh “Ah, that Glorious Land Around the Koktebel Bay”, “Business” № 42, October 17 2005.
- Maria Mikhaylova “The Dream that Came True”, “Idei Vashego Doma” № 3, 2005.
- Nastya Orlovskaya "The Curve of the Success", ART- LINE 1999.
- Art-news "Auction", ART- LINE №10-11 1996.
- "ART- LINE Selection", ART- LINE 1997.
- “A Record Rate”, “Companion” № 33/2002.
- The cover picture, "Perekryostok" №2 (7) 2000.
- The cover and reproductions, "Sonyashnik" №5-6 1991.
Major Articles in Newspapers
- Alexey Titarenko "And's Behind the Mirror", "Financial Ukraine" September 10, 1996.
- Alexey Titarenko "A Charmed Stranger","Vseukrainskiye Vedomosti" June 5, 1996.
- Alexey Titarenko "And's Behind the Mirror", "Zerkalo Nedeli" September 28,1996.
- Alexey Titarenko "Pechersk's Antiques", "Vseukrainskiye Vedomosti" January 17, 1995.
- Alexey Titarenko "The Little Ship of the Nave", "Telenedelya" №2 1997.
- Alyona Matoushek "Beyond the Conventionality", "Stolitsa" 1996.
- Alexander Liapin " Look inside with Andreev’s Psyche" (In English), Kiev-Post June 20-26 1996.
- Alexander Liapin "Going, going,- sold" (In English), Kiev-Post December 19-25 1996.
- Ludmila Liapina "Exhibition of salon painter of Alexey And" (In English), Kiev-Post July 4-10 1996.
- Liana Fesenko "A Precentiment of the Blood Innocently Shed”, "Nasha Ukraina"/"Pid Yavorom" July 1996.
- Liana Fesenko "A Pilgrim in Time and Space”, "Nezavisimost'" June 28, 1996.
- Valentina Davydenko “By the Eye-sight of Cat and by the Paw of Brush to Walk on Rocky Cornices”, “Slovo Prosvity” July 26, 2004.
- Natasha Kamynina "If Pictures are Stolen – Then Somebody Needs it", "Petrovna" Septamber 12, 1996.
- Melnichenko I. "How to Steel a Million", "Nezavisimost'" February 4,1994.
- Andrey Shestakov "The Temple of Arts is not Alien to the Market", "Graffity" №5 1996.
- Nataliya Goloubkova "The Power of Beauty and the Good”, "Stolichnyie Novosti", June 30 – July 7, 1998.
- Anatoliy Lemysh "Gratis Product." Co., or the Mystery of the Crate with Masterpieces", "Argumenty i Facty" №45 1996.
- Natasha Kalinina "Returning to the Printed", "Petrovna" November 21 1996.
- Announcement for the TV program, "The Workshop of Chimeras, where the Most Outstanding Contemporary Creations are Being Born", "КТМ" December 17, 1998.
- Olga Grigorenko "The Two Points of View on Associative Symbolism", "Vecherniy Kiev" 18 12 2003.
- Oleg Smal' "Poor, Poor Millioners", "Serkalo Nedeli" Saturday, January 10 - 16 2004.